Whats next for your hair?

Everybody is wearing their hair straight right now. Now as a stylist love it! I am selling flat irons and product and services to straighten your hair but that is going to be over. Why? Because fashion dictates change! So what is next? off the deep end opposite to super curly. No don’t think we will go that extreme. It usually comes in steps. When we are talking just style and shape we are seeing more fullness, texture, layers – basically BIG HAIR! Not perfectly straight and bobbed.
Color is another focus and we are seeing a big push on reds. Red is a statement and it is harder for alot of clients to make that jump but they are doing it. Just make sure that you take care of that colored hair because reds tend to fade and maintenance is key! Give us your input if you have an opinion you want to share. PS – Love your hair!

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